
Also known as

Cam Memorial Hall



Regular sessions

Below are some of our regular hirers who run their activities at the hall. They would be very pleased to hear from anyone who wishes to go along to one of their sessions.

Battle Toad Gaming

We are a tabletop gaming club, mainly focusing on warhammer and other versions of, but are open to any and all types of games.

So if you want to play something, feel free to pop a post on the facebook page (Click on "More" below) and see if there's interest.

We have sessions weekly on a Wednesday at the Hall at 18:00 and a small session every 4 weeks at dursley library in the morning.

Any extra events will be posted up on the Facebook group, as well as other local events/tournaments.

Any questions feel free to drop us a line and we'll see what we can do.

Sally Prout School of Dance

Ballet lessons are held at the Memorial Hall almost every day of the week. Get in touch for more details.

Ladies only Kickboxking

Our fun ladies only kickboxing class is open to all fitness levels and we welcome beginners as well as ladies who've done similar things before as we are able to adapt the class to suit everyone. At Elite Ladies Kickboxing you will learn new skills, meet new people, increase confidence, lose weight, tone up as well as many more benefits.

Class time is 7.45-8.45pm on Tuesday evenings at Cam Memorial Hall.

Contact Melissa on 07983630596 to find out more and to book a place for a trial.

History of Arthur S. Winterbotham Memorial Hall

Arthur S. Winterbotham was a local business man and philanthropist. He was a partner in the Cam Mill and was responsible for the construction of many buildings, the formation of charities and on his death the Arthur S. Winternbotham Memorial Hall was created.

The hall has always been managed by a charity with trustees taken from the local community. Together with a Management Committee to see to the day-to-day running. The original constitution references members for the committee from organisations that do not exist any more and makes for interesting reading. 


We're always looking for volunteers to help run this important community resource. Enter your email address below and we will email you with details of forthcoming management meetings.